


发布时间:2019-03-01        信息提供:外贸运行处


  1. 取消对118个海关商品编号项下货物实施的自动进口许可措施,共15种货物。 
  2. 优化随附单证。出口申报环节企业无需向海关提交纸质出口海关委托书、合同、发票、装箱清单,进口申报环节企业无需向海关提交装箱清单。 
    3. 海运口岸海关监管作业场所实现联网放行,不再要求企业必须凭正本提单、运单办理通关手续,放行时海关可不再在提单、运单上加盖放行章。 
    4. 推进港口物流信息电子化。按照国家有关部门统一部署,推动海运提单换提货单电子化。全面推动国际集装箱设备交接单无纸化,实现港口作业场站货物装卸、仓储理货、报关、物流运输、费用结算等环节无纸化和电子化。按照国家有关部门统一部署,推进内外贸集装箱堆场海关监管电子化;2019年底前,在主要远洋航线实现海关与企业间的海运提单、提货单、装箱单等信息电子化流转。 

  5. 优化税收征管模式。进一步扩大“汇总征税”应用范围,提高“先放后税”模式比例;扩大推广关税保证保险。 
  6. 规范熏蒸、消毒等检疫处理环节收费行为。破除壁垒,切实放开市场准入,通过引入竞争降低收费标准。进一步加强检疫处理企业监督检查工作力度,严格收费公示管理,规范收费行为。 
  7. 免征港口建设费地方留成部分。 
  8. 梳理和规范口岸服务“一站式阳光价格”清单,打造“阳光价格升级版”。同时,加大客户宣传推介力度,进一步增强“阳光价格”示范作用。 


  11. 全面推广海运现场海关通关一体化。对天津港口岸新港港区、东疆港区进出境的货物,企业可以自主选择关区代码0202(关区名称“新港海关”)或关区代码0217(关区名称“东疆港区”)向海关申报报关单,并由货物实际进出境口岸的主管海关实施查验。 
  12. 推进“双优化”改革。根据天津港北疆港区集装箱码头整合规划建设进度,具备条件后,在北疆港区推进物流流程和通关流程综合优化改革,实施出口货物“码头运抵验放”通关模式。 
  13. 继续优化检验检疫主干系统电子审单。深化e-CIQ系统电子审单作业,优化e-CIQ系统人工审单流程,加强e-CIQ系统风险布控管理。 

  14. 提升待查验货物提箱效率。建立查验提箱“绿色通道”“查验后集港绿色通道”,各堆场7×24小时办理查验箱提箱业务,北疆港区实施6小时、东疆港区实施4小时内待查验货物提箱进场。 
  15. 建立出口机电产品、进口汽车零部件检验检疫木质包装查验绿色通道。 
  16. 继续丰富完善归类微信公众号服务功能。支持和帮助企业提前锁定涉税要素,提供归类信息等实时查询功能。 
  17. 继续推广预裁定服务。及时受理企业归类、审价、原产地预裁定申请服务,将归类、审价、原产地疑难问题解决在通关前。 
  18. 设置进口汽车零部件业务咨询专点。为进口汽车零部件CCC入境验证相关业务提供专业咨询,提供相关技术机构联系方式,协助企业提前办理相关证明文件,减少汽车零部件产品因无证到港造成口岸滞留的情况。 
  19. 提高港口作业效率。集装箱码头提、落箱月平均作业时效30分钟以内完成比例达到60%以上,60分钟以内完成比例达到90%以上(自车辆进场后计算,冷箱、框架箱、超箱及单票多箱需要倒箱作业的除外),车辆通过闸口时间平均不超过2分钟,服务窗口办理业务平均不超过10分钟。 

  20. 在北京地区“单一窗口”开展减免税及减免税后续业务申报的应用,实施企业自行打印版式《海关专用缴款书》。 
  21. 优化完善北京“单一窗口”移动端服务功能。依托海关数据服务通道,为企业提供微信自助补发舱单放行回执功能。对北京“单一窗口”移动端服务功能进行优化拓展,适时增加移动端自助办理业务种类,为企业通关提供便捷的信息化服务。 
  22. 加强税务系统与“单一窗口”系统对接,实现出口退(免)税备案、证明开具以及免抵退税申报等,年底前实现出口退(免)税应用功能全覆盖。 


No. 4 Joint Announcement of Beijing and Tianjin: The Announcement of Concrete Measures to Constantly Improve the Business Environment to Promote the Facilitation of Trading across the Beijing-Tianjin 

To implement the decision-making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to optimize the business environment, and continue to improve the facilitation of Beijing-Tianjin Cross-Border Trade, revolving on reducing forms and certificates, optimizing processes, improving efficiency, and promoting facilitation, and on the basis of the actuation situation, we have formulated the specific measures which are hereby announced as follows:


I. Simplifying forms and certificates and promoting paperless operations
1. Automatic import license measures implemented for goods for 118 goods under the customs goods number, categorized in 15 types, will be canceled.
2. Optimizing documents attached to the customs declaration. In export and declaration links, enterprises do not need to submit export customs authorization letters, contracts, invoices, and packing lists to the customs in the paper form. In import and declaration links, enterprises do not need to submit packing lists to the customs.
3. Customs regulation operation places of marine transportation ports will release goods online. They will not require enterprises to go through customs clearance formalities with original bill of lading (B/L) and shipping bill any longer. Customs may no longer place a release stamp on B/L and shipping bill.
4. Promoting the electronic logistical information of ports. We shall promote the electronization, in which maritime transportation bill will be changed with B/L, in accordance with the unified deployment of relevant national authorities. We will comprehensively promote the paperless operation of international container equipment receipt and realize paperless and electronic operation in such links as cargo handling, warehousing and tallying, customs declaration, logistics and transportation, and cost settlement at port operation docks. In accordance with the unified deployment of relevant national authorities, we will promote the electronic customs regulation of storage yards of containers in domestic and foreign trade. By the end of 2019, we will realize the electronic circulation of such information as maritime transportation bill, bill of lading, and packing list in main ocean routes.


II. Regulating Charges and Reducing Cost
5. Optimizing tax collection and management model. We will further enlarge the application range of “consolidated tax collection” and increase the ratio of the “releasing first and collecting tax late”. We will enlarge and promote the guarantee and insurance of customs duties.
6. Regulating charging behaviors in fumigation, disinfection and other quarantine processing links. We will break down barriers, effectively liberalize market access, and reduce charging standards by introducing competition. We will further strengthen the supervision and inspection of quarantine processing enterprises, strictly implement the charging disclosure management, and regulate the charging behaviors.
7. The part of local retention of port construction expense will be exempt from being levying.
8. We will sort out and regulate the list of “one-stop sunshine price” of port services before we launch the “sunshine price upgrade version.” At the same time, we will increase the promotion and publicity of customers and further enhance the demonstration role of “sunshine price”.


III. Optimizing Process; Improving Customs Clearance Efficiency
9. Optimizing the inspection and supervision processes of parts and components of imported automobiles.
Optimizing the inspection process. The verification of imported automotive parts and components whose destination is Beijing and Tianjin, only involving goods inspection business, is carried out by local customs; automotive parts and components whose imported LCL goods fail to meet the port verification instructions can be released by enterprises in advance.
Optimizing the testing process. For imported automotive parts and components destined for Beijing and Tianjin and involving CCC certification, local customs may directly accept the CCC certification certificate or CCC certification exemption certificate document submitted by an enterprises in legal inspection and entry certification processes. Generally, no sampling inspection is carried out. For imported automotive parts and components that must go through the sampling inspection procedure, under the control of sampling inspection in the system or involving early warning measures involving major quality and safety risks, they may be sampled and inspected by local customs or by the port Customs or be sampled and inspected by port customs and supervised by local customs in accordance with the principle of facilitation.
10. We will have the mechanism that the customs forms declared on a given day shall be “dealt with” on the same day implemented at the customs. The declaration forms that are qualified for release declared on the current day will be released on the same day. For goods that shall be transported to designated sites of customs and are qualified for inspection before 3pm, the inspection operation will be completed on the same day. We will promote and improve the “Appointment Customs Clearance” mode, so that enterprises can make appointments to check procedures at non-working hours and holidays to ensure 24/7 accessibility.
11. Comprehensively promoting the integration of customs clearance at sea transport sites. For goods entering and exiting New Port Area and Dongjiang Port Area of Tianjin Port, an enterprise can independently choose the customs area code 0202 (The name of the customs area is “New Port Customs”) or the code of the customs area 0217 (The name of the customs area is “Dongjiang Port Area”) to declare the customs declaration form to the customs. Inspection shall be carried out by the competent customs at the actual entry/exit ports of goods.
12. Promoting the “dual optimization” reform. According to the integrated planning and construction progress of container terminals in Beijiang Port Area of Tianjin Port, once conditions are permitted, we will promote the comprehensive optimization reform of the logistics process and the customs clearance process and implement the customs clearance mode (featuring that inspection and release is implemented after the arrival of goods at ports) in Beijiang Port Area.?

13.?Continuing to optimize the electronic document review of inspection and quarantine trunk system. We will deepen the electronic document review operation of e-CIQ system, optimize the manual review process of e-CIQ system, and strengthen the risk control management of e-CIQ system.


IV. Providing Convenient Services
14. Improving the pickup efficiency of goods to be verified. We will establish the pickup verification “green passage” and “cargo concentration green passage after the verification”. Each storage yard handles 24/7 verifying pickup business. The Beijiang Port Area and the Dongjiang Port Area implement pickup verification within six hours and four hours, respectively.
15. We will establish the wood packaging verification green channel for inspection and quarantine of exported mechanical and electrical products and imported automotive parts.
16. Continuing to enrich and improve the service function of classified WeChat Public Account. We will support and help enterprises to lock in tax-related elements in advance and provide real-time query functions such as classified information.
17. Continuing to promote the pre-ruling service. We shall promptly accept the pre-ruling application services in terms of classification of accepted enterprises, price verification, and place of origin, and solve the difficult problems in the above three aspects before customs clearance.
18. Setting up special places of business consulting for parts and components of imported automobiles. We will provide professional consultation for CCC entry certification related business of imported automobile parts and components, provide contact ways of relevant technical institutions, assist enterprises to process relevant certification documents in advance, and reduce the situation of port detention caused by undocumented arrival of automobile parts and components.
19. Improving the port operation efficiency. The ratio for container ports to pick up and discharge containers within 30 minutes (in terms of monthly average operation timeliness) will be over 60%, and the ratio within 60 minutes will be over 90% (The calculation will begin with the arrival of vehicles, except for refrigerators, flat rack containers, ultra-low/high temperature storage containers and multiple containers for a single bill requiring the operations to exchange containers). The average time for vehicles to pass the gate shall be within two minutes, and the average time for handling business at windows within 10 minutes.


V. Carrying Forward the Application of the International Trade Single Window
20. We will apply the tax reduction and exemption follow-up business declaration in the “Single Window” of Beijing and implement Customs Special Payment Letter in the enterprise’s self-printing format.
21. Optimizing and improving Beijing “Single Window” mobile service function. Relying on customs data service channel, we will provide enterprises with the receipt function of shipping bills and release via WeChat self-service. We will optimize and extend the mobile service function of Beijing “Single Window”, timely increase types of mobile self-service business, and provide convenient information services for enterprise customs clearance.
22. We will strengthen the connection of tax system and the Single Window system, and realize the filing and certificate issuance for export tax rebate (exemption) and the declaration of tax exemption, reduction and rebate. By the end of 2019, the full coverage of application functions for export tax rebate (exemption) will be realized.




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